Mega Multi-Author Online Event This Weekend!

Don’t have any plans for this weekend? Swing by the Mega Multi-Author Online Event! Lots of laughs, a fun discussion between authors and readers and a ton of chances to win very cool prizes. Feel free to stop by anytime and if you’re interested in a chance to win some of my prizes, that will be going on Saturday May 31st at 3pm CST. I hope to see you there! 🙂

Waiting For Superman By Daughtry

Happy Friday for all as this week has sped by slowly, at least for me. I’ve gotten so much accomplished with little to show for it. Yeah, it’s been that kind of week but I’m happy no matter what. I dedicate this weekly song to Waiting for Superman because sometimes we forget about the little things that people offer us that can mean a lot. Were waiting for the guy in the big red cape to come when it might be your coworker who does something just to be nice that brightens your day. I wish I had a cool cape but either way I’m going to take that on today and maybe I can turn someones day around. 🙂

My Night Breeze Teaser

I completed the first young adult romance My Night Breeze that is going to be published Summer of 2014. I’m so excited for this book to come out as it has so many layers and so many surprises that even I shocked myself. My graphic designer Justin is in the process of putting together my cover but he knew I needed something tangible to hold on to. So he created this for me to keep me calm until the true cover reveal comes to light. Every time I look at it, I run out of words. It is exactly what I saw in my mind in one particular scene and he blew it out of the water. I’m bursting at the seams waiting for this to come to out for all to enjoy. So here is a little something to hold you over. 🙂


Special Offer of Blowing The Whistle & Keep Moving By Ivy

This week has dragged on with assistance of the weather complicating things. Today I felt inspired to give a special offer of Blowing The Whistle out for free on Amazon. Make sure to grab your copy before the special ends on May 6th!

It’s Friday and while some are lucky to have the weekend off, others have to work through it. This song is for you. We all just have to keep moving. 🙂