2020 Thanksgiving Deal

Be sure to snag an ebook of Fade Away and/or My Night Breeze this Thanksgiving week!

Fade Away ebook – https://www.amazon.com/Fade-Away-Book-ebook/dp/B017E71BKY/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=fade+away+ml+newman&qid=1606098815&sr=8-1

My Night Breeze – https://www.amazon.com/My-Night-Breeze-Book-ebook/dp/B00LP0O9LA/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=my+night+breeze+ml+newman&qid=1606098789&sr=8-1

Hump Day #FreeRead

Happy Hump Day, Everyone! I have added Blowing The Whistle to #freeread. This ebook will be available on Amazon until Thursday so grab it while you can. I hope you all enjoy!

Nursing her own demons, Ally Fields isn’t a typical college student. Her life is solely focused on classes, and her goal is to maintain her very high GPA. Ally isn’t a typical girl, either; her only form of entertainment is a rule-bound “arrangement” with an older businessman, Leon.

Life is turned upside down for Ally just as she reaches what she thought was the comfort and control she had always strived for. Trevor takes over, challenging every decision she makes and forcing a friendship she doesn’t want. Trevor turns her world upside down and inside out as she is forced to decide whether she will use him for her own purposes or succumb to his challenging charm.

Friday #FreeRead

Good Morning All! I have added Fade Away (Book 1) to #freeread. This ebook will be available on Amazon until Monday so grab it while you can. I hope you all enjoy!


A kiss to remember…

Lauren Benson was enjoying her senior year in college with her roommates and best friend, Taylor. With tension building for midterms, taking advantage of a night of fun to cheer on the school football team was exactly the distraction she needed. However, that was the last night she’d ever be the same again. Lethal creatures are stalking the campus and Lauren becomes a target. Will she be strong enough to resist, or will she simply fade away…

Monday Free Read Offer

Happy Monday Everyone! I have added My Night Breeze to #freeread to help with the stir craze currently going on. This is the first book the Breeze Series. This ebook will be available on Amazon until Thursday so grab it while you can. I hope you all enjoy!

Lake Mungo Review (No Spoilers)

Lake Mungo Back Blurb – Alice drowns while swimming and her family begins experiencing inexplicable events in their home. The family hires a parapsychologist whose investigation unveils Alice’s secret double life and leads them all to Lake Mungo. Initial release: June 18, 2008 Director: Joel Anderson Screenplay: Joel Anderson Language: English Language

This Australian movie was set up very well with a believable cast. The story starts off with the retelling of what happened the day Alice drowns. There are some shakey camera scenes and found footage in Lake Mungo that viewers should be aware of if that causes them motion sickness. One big take away for me personally is the amount of sadness throughout the entire story. From the initial loss of their daughter to the many twists and turns that have the family confused on who to trust and where to turn next.

The amount of grief from the beginning to the end fluctuates, but it never disappears. As the viewer focuses on Alice’s life, we are left with our own opinions on what happened as the secrets start to unravel until the very end. And only at the end does it all make sense. All the pieces of the puzzle are put together in a way that forces you to really see what you’ve been staring at all along.

I can say that I enjoyed the movie for what it was. There were so many details that were used to throw off the viewer. I found that what I was waiting for (jump scares, etc) were non-existent. “Alice kept secrets. She kept the fact that she kept secrets a secret,” her friend quotes in the film. There is no better explanation than that for what goes on between Alice and everyone else. I will admit that the story came full circle. However, I was looking for more of a Paranormal Activity type film and this was not that. I found that I wasn’t scared and was left in a somber mood after. So be prepared if you decide to watch this movie.

I will be reviewing another movie next week. If you have any movie recommendations or requests, please let me know.

Scary Movie Review List

Happy Halloween Season, Friends! I told you guys that I would be binge watching movies and below I have put together a list of movies that are a Must-See during this time of year. Let me know if you’ve seen these movies and what you think of them. Did they have you screaming into the night? Were you too creeped out to turn off the lights?

Movie List as follows (in no particular order): Lake Mungo, Better Watch Out, It Chapter 2, Sinister, Eyes Without A Face, Hellfest, An American Werewolf in London, Midnight Man, Pumpkin Head, Alone in the Dark, Splinter, Ginger Snaps, May, The Fury, Grace, When A Stranger Calls, Joshua, Slender Man, Annabell Comes Home, Creep, The Invitation, I Still See You, The Gate, Martyrs, Chopping Mall and Truth or Dare.

There may be more movies to join the list and no promises to hit them all, but I’m going to try to do my best to hit as many as possible. Again, I’m up for suggestions as well so feel free to let me know if you think I’m missing a Must-See film.

Halloween Season!

Hey Everyone! I know I’ve been away for a long while (so sorry!), but I’m back and ready to enjoy the Halloween Season. It just so happens to be one of my favorite times of year. Scary Movies – Check, Candy Corn – Check, Dressing up in Costume (that I purchased last week because I couldn’t wait another day) – Check Check!

What scary movies are you all most excited to watch this Halloween season? Do you have a traditional line up? Do you have a personal list that you knock out every year? Let me know which movies you think are the Absolute-Must-See-Films and I will go through the lists with reviews.

#HalloweenReady #NightmareOnElmSt #Halloween #Audition #Fridaythe13th #Wishmaster #TrainToBusan #MLNewman

Home For The Holidays: Holiday Marketing Tips #3

Every year, as soon as Halloween is behind us, it seems like the floodgates open. Without warning, there are holiday marketing campaigns everywhere, with countless businesses rushing to cash in on a spending frenzy. There are holiday emails, social media posts, and TV ads – and it goes on.

Image result for snowman

It might seem like holiday marketing is out of control. But here are some ideas you can put in place to help sell your books over the holidays.

Host A Readers Dinner!

If you have some really loyal readers, you can say a special thank you at the holidays by taking them out to a lunch or dinner.

Hold a 12 Days of Christmas Sale

To keep people shopping throughout the holiday season, you can host a special sale where people can get your books at a special price during the twelve days leading up to Christmas. You can even throw in some fun themed days to really get people into the spirit.

Decorate Your Website

Even if you only do business online, you can still show off your holiday spirit. Add some holiday inspired decorations to your website, like snowflakes, a flying Santa, ornaments and more. If it feels good… do it!

Give Away Stocking Stuffers

For those shoppers who are trying to finish off their holiday shopping, little stocking stuffers can be a real attraction. You can give them away with each purchase or offer them at a discounted rate for people who spend a specific amount on other items.

Send Cards

If you plan on sending out holiday cards to your reader base, you can also make those stand out by sending them out early.

Home For The Holidays: Holiday Marketing Tips #2

With the holidays just around the corner I thought we might look at some ideas that may help authors get more reviews. With everyone in good cheer—the holidays may be the perfect time to approach those all-important reviewers!

Provide Reader Copies To Relevant Book Bloggers. 

Start getting reviews before the book launches. You can use online tools to find early reviewers, or reach out to relevant bloggers with a pitch on the book. While they can’t review books on retailer sites until release day, they can post the reviews to their websites, blogs, or Goodreads.

Offer Free Copies To Top Amazon Reviewers. 

Reach out to Amazon users with a “Top Reviewer” badge who’ve reviewed books similar to yours. They’ve proven themselves to be experienced reviewers — they know what makes a good review, they’re willing to take the time to write a truly helpful review, and they will likely have a quick turnaround on reading and reviewing.

Put Together A Special Holiday Giveaway

Book giveaways can take various forms, including blog tours or contests on your blog or Facebook page. Providing free copies to your most loyal fans in exchange for an honest review can help a new book get traction, plus it rewards them for their loyalty.

Mention Writing A Review In The Back Of The Book

A high number of reviews makes a book more enticing to potential readers. We found that when a book has at least 150 five-star reviews on Amazon or Goodreads, including the number of five-star reviews in the copy increased clicks.

Submit A Book For Relevant Editorial Reviews. 

Many genres have publications where authors can submit their books for editorial reviews. Some of these publications require submitting your book months before publication, so plan to do this early!

Home For The Holidays: Holiday Marketing Tips #1

With the holidays approaching there’s plenty of marketing to be done. I thought I’d throw together several ideas and share them with you. Try them out… you may find that these tips help increase your sales over the season!

Take advantage of holidays, special occasions, annual events, and seasonal stories. 

A good strategy for promotion is to look for special days or occasions you can connect your book to. The most obvious one for writers is the Christmas season. Hitch your book to one of them and use it to gain sales.

Think beyond book reviews. 

Don’t get me wrong. Book reviews are definitely important. But don’t stop there. Your novel deserves more widespread, long-term, and ongoing exposure than it can get through reviews alone.

More on the Media…

Most radio stations are looking for interesting interviews and the author of a newly published book has a good chance of getting on air. You need a publicity letter which says something interesting or controversial about the book and off you go. If you have the budget you can use a professional PR company to target radio and TV programs.

Free and Easy…

Offer sample chapters as free downloads. Take a couple of your best chapters and turn them into pdf files. Let people download them for free. Think of this as the equivalent of letting people browse through your book at a bookstore.

The Beauty of Email Marketing

Very few authors are using email marketing today to build their fan base. Progress that it’s easy to make headway with this valuable marketing tool.  Fact is, email marketing is many times more effective than Facebook and Twitter combined. How can you turn your back on that?